Writing and Editorial Services

Jordan-Reilly Associates

Our Company

Jordan-Reilly Associates researches, writes, and edits business communication about highly sophisticated and technical products, services, and strategies for business-to-business and consumer-goods clients.

We specialize in quick-study understanding of some of the most advanced technology on the market, from super-sonic jet engines for stealth fighters, to advanced security and life-safety equipment for skyscrapers. Jordan-Reilly Associates works with your subject-matter experts to gain insight into your business, your product, your competitors, and your customer -- composing key messages using straightforward, honest language your audiences will appreciate.

  • Communicate strategy internally, promote employee fulfillment, distribute updates on corporate-benefits programs

  • Build corporate brand, promote new products and services, communicate value added

  • Promote community relations, corporate giving, and social responsibility

  • Highlight specific programs such as safety and continuous quality improvement that contribute to shareholder value
184 Newfield Road
Winchester Center
Connecticut 06094-0149
Tel. 860.489.5780

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Jordan-Reilly Associates today.